Machine Vibration Monitoring
Always-on condition monitoring for all rotating equipment.
Reduce downtime, improve efficiency, and extend asset life.
Always-on condition monitoring for all rotating equipment.
Reduce downtime, improve efficiency, and extend asset life.
The smart factory is within reach
Why Machine Health Monitoring?
Consequential Damages
- A motor bearing fails and breaks the rotor or stator of a motor
- Repairing the bearing before it fails would have cost $500
- Repairing the rotor and stator of the motor now costs $50,000
Consequential Downtime
- The failed motor takes 6 weeks to repair
- A full production line is taken down for 4 days while a new motor is expedited
- Loss of production and product quality issues is 10x the cost of repairing the motor and 100x the cost of repairing the failed bearing
Get Smart & Move From Preventive to Predictive Maintenance
Nelson Baxter, ABM Technical Services CEO, provides a vibrant overview on maintenance philosophies, its current challenges, and where the future of predictive maintenance is heading.
The Evolution of Vibration Monitoring
Chad Dyson offers great insight to some important questions you might have if you are considering starting a vibration program, or getting your existing vibration program into the next gear.
Why You Should Care About Machine Health Monitoring

Issues with Your Current Vibration Monitoring Solution?
If you are looking to expand your existing vibration program and are experiencing these issues, Machine Vibration Monitoring might be the right solution to get your program into the next gear.
- Data collection is slow or infrequent
- Not enough vibration analysts to cover all the equipment
- Vibration analyst spends too much time collecting data and not analyzing it
- Defective data quality impacts failure prediction
- Insufficient data to effectively predict a failure
- Equipment difficult to access or not available during the route
- Cost prohibitive to collect sufficient data to predict a failure in all equipment
Machine Vibration Monitoring Features
- Compatible with motors, pumps, fans, gear boxes
- Fulltime waveform once a day with 4,096 lines of resolution
- Overall velocity and peak acceleration trending
- Data sampling & transmission every 15 seconds (60 seconds default)
- Eversensors rated for 20-years without requiring any routine maintenance
- Simple configuration via Evercloud
- Detailed analysis via Evercloud
- Visual frame of reference with asset image upload
- Sensor associated to machine train with hierarchy view by location, facility, process, etc.
- Overlay frequencies by running speed to determine fault issue type
- Multi-tiered fault alarms
- Alerts & notifications via email and text messages
- APIs to bridge data into existing CMMS
- Best-in-class data security & privacy
- Class I, Division 2
- IP66
Machine Vibration fault conditions
- Unbalance or Imbalance
- Misalignment
- Bent Shaft
- Looseness
- Vane / Blade Pass
- Soft Foot
- Eccentric Motor Rotation
- Resonance
- Oil Whirl (Sleeve / Journal Bearings)
- Late Stage Rolling Element Bearings
Batteryless condition monitoring maximizes returns on Industrial IoT
Realize all the benefits of wireless condition monitoring without the added maintenance required by battery-powered alternatives. Now, you can have the best of both worlds. Improve overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), optimize maintenance routes, minimize unplanned downtime, and extend machine lifetime—all without steep upfront hardware costs, cumbersome technology integration, and costly ongoing battery upkeep.
The most cost-effective method for
24/7 insight into your machinery
For vibration analysts, the process of collecting, reviewing, and reporting on machine health can be time consuming — hours spent traveling to and from sites and machinery, accessing hard-to-reach equipment, waiting for machines to actually be on! Everactive’s self-powered sensors let vibration analysts remotely and continuously monitor machinery to increase coverage, maximize service reliability, and equipment uptime. With always-on condition monitoring, only maintain machines that require your attention.
Everactive API
Everactive’s self-powered solutions can now integrate seamlessly into any computerized maintenance management system (CMMS), Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) or Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution using an open Application Programming Interface (API) to provide continuous, maintenance-free monitoring of steam traps and machines.
Machine Vibration Monitoring Solution Brief
Do you want to learn more? The Everactive Machine Vibration Monitoring (MVM) solution brief offers a quick outline of its benefits and product features
Pricing Options
Reach out to our account development team to select a pricing plan that best fit your organization needs.
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